This draft has been build upon elvis mail to the scribus-dev mailing list
[scribus-dev] Some notes/questions about Scribus internals and my project
These are notes on (a few of) the central classes of Scribus. I've excluded the styles system as it has kind of OK documentation in styles/overview.txt.
Self-explanatory. Represents a document in Scribus. Some responsibilities seems to be:
Central zoomable scrollarea showing a document. Its primary responsibility seems to be to provide a UI for scrolling and zooming (naturally).
PageItem is the base class for all items. The base class seems to be a bit intertwined with its subclasses, and can be queried for and converted to its subclass type using is() and as() methods, respectively (e.g. isArc(), asArc()). Page items have many responsibilities, but most important for me seems to be that they draw themselves to the canvas in their DrawObj_Item() method.
Central singleton class of the undo/redo system. Manages a map of undo stacks, one for each document. I'm not 100% sure how the undo system works as it does not seem to use the traditional command pattern for undo/redo. But I understand that the undo stacks are stacks of UndoState:s, and that multiple UndoStates can be packed into a transaction which can be commited or rolled back.
I wonder why it was made into a singleton with several stacks (one per doc) instead of having one undo manager per document? Answer: There may be different documents, but we only have one UndoAction linked to the UI. So at one point we need to decide which document to use anyway.
Also, even though it is a singleton, pointers to the undo manager still seems to be kept in classes such as ScribusView and ScribusMainWindow. But I guess this is just for convenience?
Undo is based ona quite simple in idea - in UndoState are saved changed parameteres of item before and after changing. For example for undow moving PageItem in undo state is saved its start position and end position. On undo start position of PageItem will be restored. On redo end position will be restored again.
It is actually a variant of the command pattern. SimpleState is more or less a "one-size-fits-all" kind of Command pattern implementation. Scribus should use less SimpleState and more specific subclasses of UndoState. IIRC it's not necessary to implement the restore method in the UndoObject in this case.
In implementation undo can be more complicated because in undostate only simple variables types can be saved - numbers and strings. So for text undo, where in undostate must be saved text with all styles information, I prepare function which return all that information in string by serializing it ("saxing", like in SLA file, when all information is in human readable strings in tagged fashion, in a somehow XML-ish manner).
Many of the classes such as ScribusDoc, ScribusView and PageItem have a huge number of public member variables, many of them undocumented, which users (and subclasses) of the classes rely on, and it's a bit hard to tell what the responsibilities of each class really is. But I think I have a somewhat OK view of it now.
Isn't that ugly? :-) It's on the roadmap for refactoring.
Different modes of operations on the canvas seems to be implemented in classes inheriting from CanvasMode. As an example, there is a canvas mode for editing a polygon, editing a spiral et.c.
At a even higher level there seems to be the concept of "application
modes" (e.g. ScribusMainWindow::setAppMode(int)
), which I'm not quite
sure what they are. Are they the same as canvas modes? In any case,
setting the "app mode" using ScribusMainWindow::setAppMode(int) seems
to be what results in a canvas mode change.
In the beginning Scribus just had application modes and some huge switches and if-then-else constructs to do the right thing at the right time. I refactored all that code into CanvasModes (correspond to application modes) and CanvasGestures (correspond to submodes, ie. Scribus returns to the CanvasMode it was in before the CanvasGesture was started. Gestures could be stacked).
This structure made it possible to concentrate on a single user interaction when implementing mouse event code.
Painting seems to be done in two places. The on-canvas painting of items seems to be done by items themselves in their DrawObj_Item() (and DrawObj_Decoration()) method. Painting of items for print output seems to be done in the respective drawItem_*() methods in ScPageOutput.
IIRC ScPageOutput is only used for printing in Scribus. There's additional code in pdflib_core.cpp and pslib.cpp (Yes, 4 versions of the same code. That's another refactoring on the roadmap!)