The Scripter itself is programmed in Python
the scripts are .spy files (why?)
Object oriented: document = Scripter.activeDocument
Simply ebmedded in the menu structure and allows shortcuts to be defined. Just add in the "structured" comments at the beginning of the file ## shortcut = Esc,f ## menu = &File
Scripts in .../bin/scribus/lib/scribus/plugins/scripter/autoload are loaded on start The few scripts in that directory are very helpful! for understanding
Much easier to extend with new commands
New concept for the documentation Generated by Sphynx, displayed by ReadTheDocs, comments by Disqus
Open questions: - Why .spy files?
But, must be further improved: - some small fixes in the editor (most of all the highlight color for the current line) - it must be easier to run again the last script you have run
filehow to add a new function to the scripter?
file to add the new functioncmd*.h
add the doc string for the new function
)!adding setParagraphStyle()
!! goal
- set the style for the
- current selection
- the current frame or
- the style named through the parameter
on debian).